Transfer your music from TIDAL to Apple Music


Transfer your favorites playlists, songs, artists and albums from TIDAL to Apple Music easily.

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Listen to TIDAL playlists in Apple Music

With TuneMyMusic You can move your entire music library from TIDAL to Apple Music, including your favorite songs, playlists, the artists and albums you follow. In other words, you can move from TIDAL to Apple Music and keep all your music library! You already use Spotify but you found a great playlist in TIDAL? With TuneMyMusic you can easily move any playlist from TIDAL to Apple Music, you can enjoy both worlds!

How to transfer TIDAL playlist to Apple Music?

  • Link your TIDAL and Apple Music accounts, and authorize TuneMyMusic.
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  • Select what to transfer - we support your favorite songs, artists, albums, and your curated playlists.
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  • Done! Your playlists and music will be automatically transferred to your Apple Music account.
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